In the Sengoku period of Nihon, a young orphan named Kotarou together with his domestic dog Tobimaru bag from unsuspecting villagers in lodge to brand ends see. However, Kotarou is forced to remain on the operate when he finds himself beingness hunted downwards by assassins sent by China’s Ming Dynasty for mysterious reasons non involving his niggling crimes.
Fortunately, the twosome operate into Nanashi, a ronin who has taken refuge inwards a small-scale temple, when Kotarou is attacked together with Tobimaru poisoned. Although the samurai saves the helpless duo from their pursuers, he feels that at that place is no take to assist them further; only when offered a jewel inwards telephone exchange for his services as a bodyguard, he reluctantly accepts Kotarou’s offer of employment—only until Tobimaru is healed too the 2 attain their goal. As the 3 gear up out on a perilous journey, it presently becomes evident that their path is riddled alongside danger, equally the Ming Dynasty has like a shot sent a terrifying swordsman afterward them to capture Kotarou together with fulfill a sure prophecy.
English language: Sword of the Stranger
Japanese: ストレンヂア -無皇刃譚-
Type: Movie
Episodes: ane
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Sep 29, 2007
Producers: Bandai Visual, Shochiku, Sony Music Entertainment, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners
Licensors: Funimation, Bandai Entertainment
Studios: Bones
Source: Original
Genres: Action, Adventure, Historical, Samurai
Duration: one hour. 43 minute.
Rating: R – 17+ (violence & profanity)
Eng Sub/Eng Subbed
10bit Dual Audio (English language/Japanese)
- Mega
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